jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014

Day of Europe

8th of May

Last Thursday morning we traveled to BIlbao, because we were invited to a conference to celebrate the day of Europe. To my surprise, it was so entertaining and interesting: Firstly, because it was in Inglish and secondly, because I realise how important is to know apart from English, another different lenguages depends on where you want to work in the future. There were 4 people who shared with us their laboral experience and what they think about lenguage. Finally, they allowed us to ask some questions if we wanted to. At the end, we had a little lunch with the other students who attend to the confecerce. We had very good time in Bilbao !!!!!!!

9th of May

On friday, our teachers made a questionarie to all DBH students. The objetive was for  cohesion and solidarity and to promote the knowledge of other cultures and languages; and of course, to people realise that in the 9th of may is the day of Europe. They put some lenguages and the students have to match these with a phrase in that lenguage. Such a successful idea!!!!!!!

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014


Unai and I have done a decalogue for the project about poverty and social exclusion.

The aim of this decalogue is to encourage organizations to help to improve this situation (poverty and social exclusion). We came up with some ideas and afterwards we have chosen the best ones. As it is a Decalogue, we put 10 ideas.

We divided the work in two parts: Unai thought of 5 ideas and me another 5. Not only do we took some ideas about our classmates but also we surfed the internet, where we found out opinions of a lot of people. Based on that, we have taken advantage of it and buit up other concepts.

 Below you can check out these ten ideas listed above with the title ''DECALOGUE (COMPLETED)''